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Zhejiang - Ningbo - Profile in Ningbo, ZhejiangZhejiang Ningbo Profile
Ningbo City
Ningbo City: 
Zhejiang - Ningbo; 
Profile in Ningbo, Zhejiang Location: located between 12055' - 12216' east longitude and 2851' - 3033' north latitude, in the middle of China's coastline and in the south of the Yangtze Delta

Neighboring Areas: Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces; Shanghai Municipality

Population: 250,000
Urban Population: 250,000
Area: 9,365 sq km

Nationalities: Han, Hui and Zhuang

History: one of China's oldest cities with a history dating back of 4800 B.C.; known as a major trading port as well as Yangzhou and Guangzhou in the Tang dynasty; thereafter, the major ports for foreign trade in the Song dynasty; becoming one of the five greatest trading ports in China after the Opium War

Climatic Features: sub-tropical monsoon climate featured with temperate and humid weather and four distinct seasons; frost-free of 230-240 days

Average Temperature: 16.2C
Rainfall: average rainfall of 1300-1400 mm

Mountains: Mt.Simingshan, Mt. Tiantaishan
Travel in Ningbo
Baoguo Temple
Tianyi Pavilion
Hotel in Ningbo
Asia Garden Hotel
CITIC Ningbo International Hotel
Jin Feng Hotel
Nanyuan Hotel
New Century Hotel
Ningbo Hotel
Ningbo Sunny Hotel
Ningbo World Hotel
About Zhejiang
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Ningbo City
Shaoxing City